Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Experiment: The result!

After less than one day the paper was ready. I had to leave it for some hours under a quite heavy board to press a little more the sheet.

This is the result of my second experiment: 

I'm even more enthusiastic than after the first one ;) hehehe...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Experiment: Process of making paper with used tea bags

I wanted to give a brother to the first sheet of paper that I did some days ago, using tea bags.
So, I repeated the process and took some pictures in the meanwhile.
Here they are!

Water, tissues and empty tea bags in pieces.
Like milk with cornflakes!

The different levels

Cut and mix with the hands
Tea from tea bags
Add some tea
Mix well taking care that the bags pieces don't jam the blades. If it happens stop frequently to check and take off the pieces caught in. If you prefer, you can do everything with your hands.
Using a dipper lay down the mixture on the sieve.

Fill the sieve
I used two kind of tea to have two different colors. And added some threads from tea bags.
Press well but with care to don't move the misture to avoid creating holes. Eliminate most of water.
Turn upside down and press over a layer of absorbent material (but not paper!!).

Once pressed, gently remove the sieve.

Here it is!

Now, cover it with another absorbent layer and close it like an envelope.
It's ready to be hanged to complete the process!
Hang everything to dry and wait.... wait... wait....   :)
If it's hot, it probably will take few time.

To avoid warping and deformations, once your sheet of paper is dried you can leave it under something big and heavy enough to press it.

Next time the result!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Experiment: The Solution!

Here I am, finally with the solution of the mysterious experiment. Eheheh... :)

What is the strange stuff I showed you yesterday??????????
I just did PAPER!
But the odd thing is what I used to make it.

I did it with:
Water + Empty used tea bags + the dried tea leaves of a couple of bags + some tissues (used of course!)

The result of this mix is a rough and irregular paper, quite lazy to dry, but after 3 days perfectly usable as a starting point for new Art projects! ;)

I waited so long to be able to try this and I'm satisfied with it.

Soon the next step:
How will I use this new material?

Stay tuned! ;)

* * * *

Aquí estoy, por fin con la solución del misterioso experimento. Jejeje.... :)

Entonces, que es la cosa rara que os enseñé ayer?????????
Pues, he simplemente hecho PAPEL!
Pero la cosa rara es con que lo hice...

Le puse:
agua + bolsitas de té usadas y vacías + las hojas secas de té contenidas en un par de bolsitas + algunos pañuelos de papel (usados por supuesto!)

El resultado de la mezcla es un papel rugoso y muy irregular, bastante perezoso en secarse, pero que después de 3 días es perfectamente utilizable como punto de partida para nuevos proyectos artísticos! ;)

Tuve que esperar mucho tiempo antes de poder hacer esta prueba y estoy satisfecha.

Pronto, el próximo paso, osea:
Como utilizaré este material?!

Mantenganse en sintonia! ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Experiment: Can you understand what is it and what is it made of??

August 8th, 2011

Hi guys, this is a contest :D

Will you be able to understand what is this and what is it made of??????
